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Written by : Werner J. Braun
Date : 09-10-2001
Title : GOCFinal Press Conference
Article: 05-09-01

Werner J. Braun reports

Michel Maugé, Managing Director of the Mannheim Congress and Tourist Ltd., MKT, invited to the final GOC Press Conference into the Richard Wagner Hall of the Mannheim Hotel Dorint. Never before we saw him in such a good mood as on this day. Listening to his welcome speech we immediately knew the reason: Never before such a lot of Journalists had attended a GOC Press Conference and never before Michel Maugé was so satisfied with the organisation and the success of the event. 18 Radio- and TV-reporters, 18 Photographers and 75 accredited Journalists reported the World on the event in the Mannheim Rosengarten.

"Hot and successful" was this year's Jubilee GOC. In its 15th year with only a few exceptions all World Top Couples were present, each evening was sold out till up to the roof and the booths of the accompanying sales exhibition were also completely booked. "More to bring in is simply no more possible!" were the words of the Rosengarten Chief.

Now we must think about adding to by building in order to enlarge the space because standstill is retrogression. You can only assist the GOC in future by giving it a chance to grow. Even when the stay of the GOC in Mannheim till the year 2008 is assured by the contracts with the Associations, the political message must be: "The GOC has to stay in Mannheim!"

To ensure this, the organisers are ready to invest a lot year by year. In 2001 the investments of additional costs amounted to DM 25 000. -In this connection there should be mentioned the giant TV screens in the halls and the foyer which where very well accepted and the ten brand-new computer terminals with flat screens, which were necessary to grand a smooth and faultless running of the competitions.

It must be as well considered an enrichment of the program. "We need show blocks in between the various competitions, a better mix, to keep the attention of the normal visitor. My most beautiful experience during all the competition days was the "Westside Story", which the united team match presentation of the German and the Italian teams performed on the floor".

Negative was only that the biggest international sports event in Germany with the participation of more than 5000 active sportsmen coming from 44 nations, was completely ignored by the politicians. To just write a welcome address in the program leaflet is really not enough to estimate the importance of the event. We must ask for presence! It is an affront that our Minister of Foreign Affaires refused to send a welcome address and a trophy! The Lord Mayor of the City of Mannheim as well should consider changing the time of his holidays because of this biggest international sports event in his city. He must show up personally!

DPV and WD&DSC President Karl Breuer, who just was newly elected on proposal of the English Association, stressed the exceptionally good organisation of the Professional European Latin Championship as a highlight. He congratulated on behalf of the World Board of Professional Dancers. "The GOC organisers put their heart blood into their work. I felt very very well!" He announced the news that Charlotte Egstrand and her partner Markus Homm, who danced still for Denmark in the European Championship, will in future compete for Germany. Their first start is scheduled for Chemnitz/Germany within short.

DTV-President Harald Frahm started his words with: "You did a marvellous job, Michel Maugé, Harry Koerner and your whole team!" He expressed that he is glad about the good co-operation with the Professionals. "We agree more and more - we feel ourselves more and more growing together". He was glad about the fact, that two German couples reached the final. "This was important for us. The World Games are completely uninteresting for us, regarding the sportive value!". When it goes on like it is, we will keep the GOC in Mannheim running. We will assist it even more. You have seen that we had the Sports Director of the Hessische Rundfunk with us. You have the consent of the DTV! But our aim must be, to interest more of the Mannheim inhabitants for the GOC!"

Gerd Weissenberg spoke about the developed Worlds serie of the Professionals, which was acknowledged by UBSC. Included are the Dutch Open, the German Open, the British Open, the International and the UK. The German Open Championships are fully integrated into this World series. "Those are the competitions of the World!" They are equipped with very high prize money. Weissenberg as well stressed the good co-operation between Professionals and Amateurs here in Germany.

GOC-Sports Director Harry Koerner stated, that the interest of the Mannheim Region never was such big as this year. As well never we had so many visitors from Mannheim and the Kurpfalz Region attending the comps. "The European Championship was the hit, was in vogue. We will try to always integrate a European or a World Championship into the Mannheim GOC - and this from 2003 on. The team matches were extra class, the opening unique! Next year we will have a team match of the Professionals as highlight. The Tango competition did enthuse everybody!" Koerner regretted that the Segue of the Professionals looses attractiveness because of sometimes poor performances."Why don't we integrate the Amateur couples into the Segue Program? The innovation of the youth cannot be beaten!"

GOC Sports Director Harry Koerner announced some numbers out of the statistics. "Russia does overflow us - positively. With 904 Russian starts they were closely fitting the Germans with 1022 starts. Third in the row was Italy with 340 starts. Our best idea was the introduction of the Senior II competitions. You can rely on the seniors: 91 % of the nominated couples did as well compete. As a total we again overcame the record of last year by 100 couples!"

Michel Maugé thanked the 240 people who worked round about the clock in two shifts to keep the GOC event going. He appreciated the assistance of project manager Juergen Heitz who was in charge of the organisation. He thanked GOC-Sports Director Harry Koerner, who worked not only all around the year in the preparation but as well gave as compeer the GOC its unique flair. But he also named and thanked all the Associations included in the GOC, the President of the German DanceSport Association Harald Frahm. The President of the German Professional Association and of the World Association, Karl Breuer, the President of the DanceSport Association of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Wilfried Scheible and the GOC Manager Peter Lenz. Words of thankfulness were also directed to the members of the media for the attention and positive reports on the event, especially to Sibylle Dornseiff, the manager of the GOC Press Office for her nearly round about the clock work. Words of appreciation as well went to the GOC Internet team. Daniel Reichling announced the nearly incredible high numbers of about half a million "klicks". There had to be ordered additional lines.

The preparation already has begun for next year's GOC from 27. till 31.08.2002 and from 26. till 30.08. 2003 in the year of the 100 year's jubilee of the Mannheim Rosengarten

Werner J. Braun